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Orkut 007
"One Blog For All Your Needs"
orkut007.co.cc : Confused? | Monday, July 07, 2008 |
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How do I put Orkut Graphics in my friend's scrap?
To display orkut graphics in your scraps all you have to know is how to copy and paste. First you need select the graphic you would like to display from the menu in the left. Once you have decided upon a graphic, click on the code beside it and the copy the code either by using the shortcut (Ctrl+C) or by right-clicking the mouse and then selecting 'Copy'. Now all you have to do is paste the code in your friend's orkut scrap. If you have any text to add in the scrap, you can do that below the code. Now press the 'preview' or the 'post' button.
Enjoy and keep scrapping.
(If you still have doubts, we will be glad to help you : Contact Us)